Programming language structure

If we know at least one "curly brace language" like C or JavaScript, our minds recognize the structure of code like:

if (x == 0) {
} else {

Without conscious thought, we see the condition inside the parentheses, the true clause inside the first set of curly braces, the else clause in the second set of curly braces, and so on. These elements are arranged in a tree structure. That tree is what we recognize without thinking.

The if keyword has three children: a conditional expression inside parentheses, a "true" branch inside curly braces, and a "false" branch also inside curly braces. The == operator has two children: the compared values. A function call, shown as "[call]" below, has one or more children: the called function is the first, and zero or more arguments are the rest. By drawing these dependencies, we get a diagram representing the tree structure of the code.

A compiler's parser implements rules for extracting abstract syntax trees like this one from the code's text. Those rules are rigid; the compiler will never allow deviations from them. Still, an experienced programmer can reliably create valid syntax – 99.9% of the time, let's say, if they're being careful. If the syntax rules are rigid, but a programmer can reliably create text that follows them, then the programmer's mind must contain near-perfect analogues of the parsing rules. We understand the structure, even if the understanding happens automatically.

As we dig into software structure, we'll see many more diagrams like the one above – nodes connected by arrows. They'll depict functions calling each other, modules importing each other, and so on. These are structures that we understand without thinking about them consciously, just as we understand programming language syntax without writing the syntax trees explicitly. Our goal here is to bring software structure into conscious thought, filling in blind spots that we all have.

This is one section of The Programmer's Compendium's article on Software Structure, which contains more details and context.